Remember Good Times

When I saw my CPN on Friday (26th), we spoke about a few specific things, and he helped me come up with a list of good memories to remember my partner Roger, because today (27th) is the anniversary of when Roger passed away, several years ago. My CPN is brilliant and so helpful, he knew… Continue reading Remember Good Times

Loyalty After Loss

In 2 months time it will be 6 years since I lost my partner Roger. But the thing is, the way my mind works confuses me. My mind still lives in this kinda fantasy / dream world, were I still believe my partner will come back alive (I know, strange huh), my mind has always… Continue reading Loyalty After Loss

This Time Last Year

On this date (28th Aug) it’s been exactly a year since I was last in hospital (I was sectioned)… The point is, I’m realising the difference from last year and this year. For example, last year I was in hospital 5 times (Clock View twice, Broadoak twice, and the Priory in Cheadle). The reason I… Continue reading This Time Last Year

Tough Times Ahead

So the past couple of weeks have been difficult for me, not really mentioned it to people apart from my psychiatrist a couple of days ago. The only few great things that’s happened recently is Mersey Care related (e.g I went to volunteer induction etc). That’s about it really, my positive feelings and uplifting mood… Continue reading Tough Times Ahead

Psychotherapy Sessions

I started psychotherapy 2 weeks ago, at Mersey Care psychotherapy department. I’ve had 2 sessions so far, and I’ve met the psychotherapist before earlier in the year I think it was, for assessments. So it helps when you’ve already met the person before and they already know a bit about you anyway, that was a… Continue reading Psychotherapy Sessions

Stockholm Syndrome ?

I was describing some things to my psychotherapist last week, and he mentioned the term “Stockholm Syndrome”, I thought to myself “I’ve heard of that term but forgot what it meant”… So when I got home I started reading about it again and thought to myself “ah yes I remember what it’s all about now”.… Continue reading Stockholm Syndrome ?

My Newspaper Job

I used to work at the Yemen Times newspaper in the late 1990s. The newspaper was the only English newspaper in Yemen at the time, a mainly political paper that tells it how it is. I loved working there at the time, it was a really fascinating experience. With no previous experience or training, they… Continue reading My Newspaper Job

Child Abuse & BPD

What makes me angry, when some people say about child abuse victims, things like why didn’t they speak out sooner, why didn’t they report things at the time, get over it and so on. The people who say such things, wouldn’t know how these people are feeling, how difficult it is, what is going through… Continue reading Child Abuse & BPD

My Favourite Pastime

I had a breakthrough, let me explain… So, for the past week or so I have tempted to start listening to folk music again, especially Irish folk music. My favourite pastime if you like. I’ve always been a fan of folk music, not much modern folk but more traditional style, from many countries. But ultimately… Continue reading My Favourite Pastime