To Whoever…

Whoever in the world reads this, I just want you to know, whoever you are… Loneliness can kill people, but as a society nobody wants to talk to people about it, nobody wants to give people the time… We suffer in silence… How do people overcome loneliness if no one wants to talk to them…… Continue reading To Whoever…

Loyalty After Loss

In 2 months time it will be 6 years since I lost my partner Roger. But the thing is, the way my mind works confuses me. My mind still lives in this kinda fantasy / dream world, were I still believe my partner will come back alive (I know, strange huh), my mind has always… Continue reading Loyalty After Loss

This Time Last Year

On this date (28th Aug) it’s been exactly a year since I was last in hospital (I was sectioned)… The point is, I’m realising the difference from last year and this year. For example, last year I was in hospital 5 times (Clock View twice, Broadoak twice, and the Priory in Cheadle). The reason I… Continue reading This Time Last Year

Started Volunteering

So, yesterday morning (9th May) was my first time doing some volunteering in Mersey Care NHS FT, it was a big step for me and I finally felt proud of myself. The person who helps me with any volunteer opportunities attended the location with me, just so that I wouldn’t be nervous or shy for… Continue reading Started Volunteering

My Stay In Broadoak

I’ve finally got around to writing about my stay in Broadoak unit. I was detained under the mental health act (section 2), so I was there for a month (28th Aug – 27th Sep). It’s the second time I’ve been at Broadoak, the first time was only for few days. I’ve already written a post… Continue reading My Stay In Broadoak

Tough Times Ahead

So the past couple of weeks have been difficult for me, not really mentioned it to people apart from my psychiatrist a couple of days ago. The only few great things that’s happened recently is Mersey Care related (e.g I went to volunteer induction etc). That’s about it really, my positive feelings and uplifting mood… Continue reading Tough Times Ahead

Psychotherapy Sessions

I started psychotherapy 2 weeks ago, at Mersey Care psychotherapy department. I’ve had 2 sessions so far, and I’ve met the psychotherapist before earlier in the year I think it was, for assessments. So it helps when you’ve already met the person before and they already know a bit about you anyway, that was a… Continue reading Psychotherapy Sessions

Support & Understanding

I was just thinking, the importance of understanding, within the support one receives from e.g CPN, support worker, psychiatrist etc. My support is from Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust… I have a CPN, a psychiatrist, and now also started psychotherapy… There are two things that are very important to me, one is understanding, and another… Continue reading Support & Understanding

Stockholm Syndrome ?

I was describing some things to my psychotherapist last week, and he mentioned the term “Stockholm Syndrome”, I thought to myself “I’ve heard of that term but forgot what it meant”… So when I got home I started reading about it again and thought to myself “ah yes I remember what it’s all about now”.… Continue reading Stockholm Syndrome ?

Discharged From Hospital

Just thought I’d write about the day I was discharged from Broad Oak unit psychiatric hospital (27th Sep). I’ll write about my time in hospital, in a separate post. Anyway, before my being discharged, I had my review with the psychiatrist on the ward, also attended the review was someone from Mersey Care PALS (Patient… Continue reading Discharged From Hospital

So I’ve Been Thinking

I feel different today, so worn down, and like something is missing, the end of an era of something, I don’t know, something seems different today, a sad sinking feeling, like I’m missing something, like I’ve made a regretful mistake because I’m in a bad mood and it’s too late to go back and resolve… Continue reading So I’ve Been Thinking

Starting Lithium Soon

Just a quick post. Wondering anyone who takes Lithium, what are their thoughts and importantly their feelings and effects ? My psychiatrist (he’s the best !) agreed with me to let me try Lithium soon, I’m quite anxious about it, I’ve never had Lithium before, but I discussed it with him to see what his… Continue reading Starting Lithium Soon

Psychotherapy Group

So, I had my usual psychotherapy group today (psycho-educational group), as every week, and I had to have a chat with the psychotherapist after the group as I can’t easily express myself within a group setting. I wasn’t actually going to attend the group today, but I did go obviously. I spoke a bit more than… Continue reading Psychotherapy Group

Child Abuse & BPD

What makes me angry, when some people say about child abuse victims, things like why didn’t they speak out sooner, why didn’t they report things at the time, get over it and so on. The people who say such things, wouldn’t know how these people are feeling, how difficult it is, what is going through… Continue reading Child Abuse & BPD

Train Station & Broadoak

So, I was in one of my crisis moments again. Haven’t been coping for a while. Wednesday (6th Apr) I was determined to get rid of myself. I went to the train station, went to the empty area of the platform on the end. Someone working there noticed my arm/wrist bleeding and realised why I… Continue reading Train Station & Broadoak

Psychiatrist Appointment

I had a psychiatrist appointment yesterday, long awaited, as I missed my previous appointment. This psychiatrist is the best… I didn’t really get along with my previous psychiatrist, I felt he didn’t understand me as much or how I was really feeling, and also the length of the appointment was not really adequate, a few… Continue reading Psychiatrist Appointment

Silently Not Coping Pt.2

I simply have to write how I’m feeling. The title of this post sums it up perfectly. There are so many things I have to deal with but I’m dealing with things alone. So, silently not coping, a clever title, but an awful reality for me, I know how I’m becoming again, and it scares… Continue reading Silently Not Coping Pt.2

Room Without A Door

I’ve just thought of the perfect saying to describe how I feel lately, it’s like I’m in “a room without a door”… I start my psychotherapy education group (Mersey Care) tomorrow morning, I’m not good in a group setting, I’m already shy with people and can’t mix with people, even 2 people is a crowd… Continue reading Room Without A Door

Mixed Feelings Recently

It’s been a few weeks of mixed feelings. I’ve been in contact with the police about something (click here for details of what the police case is about)… So, recently I gave them a bit more info for the case and the person in charge gave me an email address to send this info to… Continue reading Mixed Feelings Recently

My Life With Mersey Care

I’m a service user at Mersey Care NHS Trust. My journey into the mental health services started in my early teens. I had a social worker, psychologist and so on. My school days, my home life, my life in children’s homes (Nugent Care), my secure unit life, my residential school life. Anyway, you could say… Continue reading My Life With Mersey Care